Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Contoh RPP

Paling ngga nyaman, kalo seorang guru diminta menyusun RPP, apalagi pake bahasa inggris.. apalagi ketika mengajar banyak yang menonton..weleh..weleh...
Sebaiknya ya ngga usah terlalu dipikirin, kadang-kadang kita dibuat ngga enak oleh perasaan sendiri, bagusnya sich.. ngajar ya ngajar...meski ditonton banyak orang (ceritanya lesson study), terus kalo terlihat jelek gimana??? ya biar ajah..yang nonton juga belum tentu bagus ngajarnya, ya toch? Yang penting guru terlihat seru bersama siswa, tentang hasil refleksinya..itu sih urusan belakangan gitu. Terlihat buruk juga ngga apa2. Lha terus RPP nya gimana???   Yang gampang2 aja, copy paste juga ngga masalah koq. Yang penting guru menjiwai, memahami, mengerti,....menjalankan hasil copy-pastenya. Ok.


Unit : SMP ……………………
Grade/Term : VII/1
Subject : Science – Chemistry

Standardized Competence
2. To understand element, compound and mixture

Basic competence
2.1. To describe the meaning of element and compound

1. To describe the meaning of element and compound
2. To describe the rule of element symbol
3. To differ element group and compound group
4. To write the name and element symbol
5. To determine the name of compound and simple chemistry formula

Time Allocation : 3 periods (@ 40 minutes)
A. Objectives
Students can be able to:
1. To describe the meaning of element and compound
2. To describe the rule of element symbol
3. To differ element group and compound group
4. To write the name and element symbol
5. To determine the name of compound and simple chemistry formula

B. Subject Material : Understanding the element and compound

C. Learning Approach and Method
1. Approach : Cooperative Learning
2. Method : Discuss and Presentation

D. Learning Phases

E. Learning Sources
1. Student Book
2. References
3. Internet
4. Environment

F. Assessment
1. Technique : Written and performance test
2. Instrument Form : Multiple Choice, Essay, Performance test
3. Example of instrument:
1. Describe of element and compound! (Score 2)
2. Write symbol of gold, iron, almunium, silver and copper (Score 2)
Performance test:
3. Teacher give some materials, then student devide them into 2 groups: element and compound. (Score 4)
Multiple choice:
4. The formula of Natrium chlorida is .... ( Score 2)
a. NaCl c. NACL
b. NaK d. NAK

1. Element is substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substance by ordinary chemical methods.
Compound is a substance containing two or more elements joined together by chemical bonds.
2. Au, Fe, Al, Ag, Cu.
3. Rubric (performance test)

4. a.

Final Scoring Formula:
Final mark = Score Achieved

Acknowleg by,                                  Indonesia,………….2007
Head Master

…………….                                             . …………………………….

Contoh lainnya :

Reactions, Energy and Force

Grade Level: 8

Time: 45 min

Area: Physical Science
Strand: Forces or Energy

Materials: coke bottle, baking soda, vinegar, bathroom tissue,

Concept: Chemical reactions release energy. Gases under pressure exert forces. In addition to chemical energy, a form of potential energy that can be released through chemical reactions, there is kinetic energy of motion and potential energy of position.

Objective: The student will identify at least 10 forces and the forms of energy that are present during the process of the demonstration from beginning (materials on tabletop) to the end (cork on floor).
Set: The teacher pours some vinegar into a test tube containing baking soda and identify the result as a chemical reaction. Students are asked to identify evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred.

Instruction: 1) Teams of 3 to 4 students are given a piece of bathroom tissue, a coke bottle, a cork, vinegar and baking soda. 2) The baking soda - approximately 1 teaspoon - is folded up into the paper towel to create a packet. 3) The vinegar - approximately 3 ounces - is poured into the bottle and the packet of baking soda is inserted. The cork is then quickly inserted into the bottle. 4) Students observe what happens inside the bottle and should observe the cork popping out of the bottle.

Closure/Assessment: The class will discuss how they think the cork was popped out of the bottle. Individually, they prepare a table with columns labeled WHEN, FORCES, and ENERGY. In the 'When' column, they will describe a stage of the experiment. In the 'Forces' and 'Energy' columns students will list all the forces and and forms of energy that they think are occurring at that stage in the experiment. Each student should record at least 10 separate stages.

Extension: Students will use varied measured amounts of vinegar and baking soda (even different sized bottles) to see who can create the strongest force and pop their cork first or highest.

Teacher Talk: This may be performed as a demonstration or as a class activity. Be sure that students understand not to point the bottle toward another classmate since the cork is expelled with considerable force. The principal problem is in getting the cork in the bottle. Do not 'jam' the cork in too firmly; the gas may not be able to pop the cork in that case. But also be sure that the cork is in snugly so that the gas pressure can build up as a result of the reaction which releases carbon dioxide. If the cork will not pop out on its own, you may need to nudge it slightly from the side in the same way you might uncork a bottle of champagne. Some may wish to attach a streamer of crept paper to the cork.There is no disposal problem.
At first 10 stages of the experiment seems daunting. Consider, though, that the bottle, cork, vinegar and baking soda on the table constitute 4 stages of the experiment, lifting each and dropping them in the bottle are at least 4 more, not to mention the reactions inside the bottle, the cork in the air and finally the conclusion!

Adapted by: Shannon Smith

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