Rabu, 29 April 2009

The Three Laws of Robotics

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Isaac Asimov is best known for his science-fiction and his books on popular science. His most famous work is the Foundation series, with which he later combined his robot stories. In his robot stories, Asimov created worlds where robots and human co-exist - sometimes peacefully and gainfully, sometimes in conflict. In the course of writing these stories Asimov gave much thought to the possible behaviour of robots and their interaction with and impact on humans, and formulated his famous Three Laws of Robotics, which first appeared all together in his 1941 story, Runaround. The Three Laws of Robotics state: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Later Asimov added a Zeroth Law of Robotics to the three: 0. A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. Asimov's Laws of Robotics have led to much debate and conjecture on their applicability to the actual development of artificial intelligence. While the Laws have greatly influenced science fiction writers and film makers, it remains unlikely that they will be applied to real life robotics any time soon.


Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

aneh tapi nyata


Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

9 i + 9g


Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Tata Surya


 Tata Surya (bahasa Inggris: solar system) terdiri dari sebuah bintang yang disebut matahari dan semua objek yang yang mengelilinginya. Objek-objek tersebut termasuk delapan buah planet yang sudah diketahui dengan orbit berbentuk elips, meteor, asteroid, komet, planet-planet kerdil/katai, dan satelit-satelit alami. Tata surya dipercaya terbentuk semenjak 4,6 milyar tahun yang lalu dan merupakan hasil penggumpalan gas dan debu di angkasa yang membentuk matahari dan kemudian planet-planet yang mengelilinginya. Tata surya terletak di tepi galaksi Bima Sakti dengan jarak sekitar 2,6 x 10 pangkat 17 km dari pusat galaksi, atau sekitar 25.000 hingga 28.000 tahun cahaya dari pusat galaksi. Tata surya mengelilingi pusat galaksi Bima Sakti dengan kecepatan 220 km/detik, dan dibutuhkan waktu 225–250 juta tahun untuk untuk sekali mengelilingi pusat galaksi. Dengan umur tata surya yang sekitar 4,6 milyar tahun, berarti tata surya kita telah mengelilingi pusat galaksi sebanyak 20–25 kali dari semenjak terbentuk. Tata surya dikekalkan oleh pengaruh gaya gravitasi matahari dan sistem yang setara tata surya, yang mempunyai garis pusat setahun kecepatan cahaya, ditandai adanya taburan komet yang disebut awan Oort. Selain itu juga terdapat awan Oort berbentuk piring di bagian dalam tata surya yang dikenali sebagai awan Oort dalam. Disebabkan oleh orbit planet yang membujur, jarak dan kedudukan planet berbanding kedudukan matahari berubah mengikut kedudukan planet di orbit. Sumber : wikipedia


Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

game seru

ngga ada salahnya refreshing sambil maen game. Coba klik judul di atas!


Kamis, 25 Desember 2008

Uniform Circular Motion

Gerak melingkar beraturan tuh..artinya gerakan benda yang melingkar dengan laju tetap.Coba kalian lihat, kalo ada benda yang bergerak melingkar beraturan, so pasti arahnya berubah tapi teratur.
Pada posisi manapun, benda itu bergerak dengan arah menyinggung terhadap putarannya.
Karena arah vektor kecepatannya sama persis dengan arah gerak benda, maka vektor kecepatan menyinggung terhadap gerak melingkarnya, betul2 menyinggung (arah tangensial). Perhatikan ajach animasi di atas, jelas toh... arah vektornya
Nah, sekarang terjemahin ya.. tulisan berikut (maksudnya..klik lanjuuuuttt......)

An object moving in a circle is accelerating. Accelerating objects are objects which are changing their velocity - either the speed (i.e., magnitude of the velocity vector) or the direction. An object undergoing uniform circular motion is moving with a constant speed. Nonetheless, it is accelerating due to its change in direction. The direction of the acceleration is inwards. The animation at the right depicts this by means of a vector arrow.

The final motion characteristic for an object undergoing uniform circular motion is the net force. The net force acting upon such an object is directed towards the center of the circle. The net force is said to be an inward or centripetal force. Without such an inward force, an object would continue in a straight line, never deviating from its direction. Yet, with the inward net force directed perpendicular to the velocity vector, the object is always changing its direction and undergoing an inward acceleration.

Source : The Physics Classroom : a highschool physics tutorial


Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008